Thomas Tuchel, decis să facă treabă

De câteva minute s-a încheiat prima conferință de presă a lui Thomas Tuchel din postura de antrenor principal.
Tuchel este pornit să facă treabă, vorbește bine, are chef de muncă, e încântat că lucrează aici, iar toate astea nu par să fie doar la nivel declarativ.
Mai jos, câteva declarații la cald:
”L-am descoperit în 2009, când echipa lui, Mainz U19, a învins-o pe a noastră fără a-i da vreo șansă, deși noi eram mai buni individual. Tuchel este decizia logică pentru postul de antrenor al Borussiei. Echipele lui sunt foarte flexibile din punct de vedere tactic, iar el e capabil să dezvolte echipe și jucători”
– “I want an atmosphere that is characterized by dedication, hard work and free from egoism.”
– “I have a great desire to build & create my own image here.”
– “We talk about the squad daily. I am looking forward to make my own impression of every player once the season preparation starts.
– “There is a great squad here. Less is more in terms of players. What I want first is to form my own impressions.”
– “Jürgen Klopp was more than a coach here. I respect what he did here, he’s created a great basis and we want to build on that.”
– “Dortmund represent an attacking and proactive type of football. We want to dominate play and I look forward to seeing it.”
– “Luck for me, Dortmund has developed a style of their own. I don’t have to change things immediately.”
– “It was a massive factor that Dortmund is such a massive football city. I’m an emotional coach and that speaks to me.”
– “I needed to switch off at the start of my year off. I’d had 14 straight years of coaching and needed time to reflect.”
– “I’m looking forward to the power & energy which is created here.”
– “We have to make full use of the few days we have. Naturally, we of course would prefer longer preparation.”
În linii mari, cam astea au fost ideile principale ale conferinței, entuziasmul atingând cote nebănuite în timpul ei. Rămân rezervat, dar mult mai optimist. Să înceapă mai repede sezonul!